• layered background (background /middle ground /foreground) Yes the sky is background, ocean is middle ground and foreground are planes
  • at least one image Yes  4 images(sky, ocean, user plane and enemy plane)
  • a player-controlled sprite Yes
  • an enemy sprite with automatic movement Yes
  • the ability for the player to shoot bullets at the enemy Y(press control or left key on mouse)
  • automatic shooting bullets from the enemy to the player Yes
  • collision detection of bullets, using tags so that a player does not kill himself with his own bullets Yes
  • sound effect on collisions Yes(two sound effects, one on collisions, one on player shooting)
  • health score for player and enemy, displayed Yes
  • animation #1 Yes
  • animation #2 Yes
  • at least three levels in increasing order of difficulty. Document the difficulty of each level in the directions. Yes  (directions in instruction page, can be found on menu scene)
  • scene transitions: Every time that your player destroys the enemy, the game should transition to the next level. Every time your player ship gets destroyed, the current level should be restarted. Yes
  • directions (include the basics of each level) Yes
  • settings, including a volume setting with a slider Yes
  • quit game Yes
  • Menu Yes
  • pause/resume and link back to menu Yes
  • some other UI (dropdown, toggle, input)  Yes (inputfield on main menu for user to input names)
  • at least two data items that persist from scene to scene Yes (name, score and lvl persist between scenes)
  • high scores Yes

reminder: 1. I used same sprite sheet for 2 animations, If you consider they count as 1 animation only, you can take my 1 point off.  2. in order for the score to be store, you must finish all level , then quit the game.

       In conclusion,  I fulfilled 21 items listed above.

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